Sunday, January 10, 2016

Evolution is a Fact.

Evolution is a Fact

     I really get sick and tired of uneducated Christians that have no idea what the word theory means. A theory is a fact. It does not matter what you say or what you want it to be. When you make an ignorant statement like: "It's only a theory." most people will just mark you as an idiot and move on. Why is it I never hear Christians say: "Gravity is only a theory, do you really expect us to believe a theory?" You would never dream of saying gravity isn't real. In fact we have way more evidence for evolution than for gravity. I just want to list a few of those evidences here:
  • Fossils - Fossils are found in layers of rock, accurately showing us the time period of when they lived. Charles Darwin noticed that the fossils in the deeper layers are very different from living organisms today. In fact in most cases he didn't even recognize them.We sill observe this today
  • DNA - DNA is a unique code which link ancestry through messages.
  • Genes - This is how we find out if something is related to something else. We are related to Chimpanzees.
  • Embryos - Embryos of mammals, reptiles and even fish look nearly identical. There has been a lot of study in this field and we are learning more and more each day.
     I didn't even touch the tip of the iceberg on this subject. Evolution is not a belief system, it is a fact in the same way The Theory of Gravity and The Theory of Relativity is. Google the words: scientific theory and slowly read the definition. I will post it here so you can read it for yourself:

"A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation."

     In closing, if you have read this article and still think there is no evidence of evolution then congratulations, you have been brain washed by your religion. Any self respecting individual that cares about what is true would investigate this further. You have now been more educated on this subject. We invite you if you are willing, to join the real world with us. You just might find that it's more honest than your religion.

Monday, January 4, 2016

How long has the earth existed?

     How long has the earth existed?

     How long has the earth been around for? If you ask a christian they will most likely tell you 6,000 years. Ask a scientist and you will get a different answer. So who is right? The scientists of course. We have dated the earth through Radiometric dating. Some of you might be thinking, "Radiometric dating is not perfect." and you would be right on that. However,  it's not going to be billions of years off.

     Holy books are for fantasy not science. There are other evidences for an old earth, the fact we can see the light of deceased stars that are many light years away from us proves it. This is based on the time it takes for the light to reach us. Do you know how fast light travels? Light travels at about 671 million miles per hour and a light year is about 6 trillion miles long. The farthest star away we can see with the naked eye is 16,308 light years away. This fact alone disproves the young earth hypothesis.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Does Time Have A Beginning?

Does Time Have A Beginning?

     What is time? Is it a law? A concept based on our point of view? Today we are going to talk about time and why it's so important to understand. You may be thinking, "Time is a complex subject. It's a subject that we don't even understand." Well, I have some good news for you. It's easier to understand than you might think. Let us define time: "Time is a measurement of duration." Simplified, you can think of it like: "Time measures movement." If there is no movement, there is no time." So with this new information we must ask: "Does time have a beginning?"

     Well this really depends. If motion has always existed, then time must have also. However, if stuff came in to existence from nothing (the absence of something) then time began as soon as the first thing moved. Since I trust that energy cannot be created or destroyed, the most logical conclusion is time has always been.

Morals Are Subjective

Morals Are Subjective.

     Not everyone agrees when asking the question: "Where do morals come from?" I honestly think its due to a sheer lack of trying. I have heard many different views regarding objective morals. The more I hear them, the more absurd they sound. There is only one absolute in reality, that absolute is truth. Truth is a separate topic, lets get started talking about morals.

     What are morals? Morals are defined as: "a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from  a piece of information, or an experience." That was easy enough. Morals are things we learn. I find it odd that even some of my fellow atheist's disagree concerning this topic. This is really an open and closed case. Morals are indeed subjective, it's simply not up for debate.

Jesus Is A Terrorist.

Jesus Is A Terrorist.

     I know what you must be thinking. How dare you? I dare because truth is important to me. I don't care if you are offended. Let us take just a second to discuss this heartless Jew from the bible. There are thousands of different Jesus's created by men. The Jesus you worship is almost certainly not the Jesus your best friend worships. If this Jesus of Nazareth did indeed walk this earth there is no doubt that the information we have on him today is at best inaccurate.

     Why do I claim Jesus is a terrorist? It's really very simple. Jesus (aka: God almighty) promises not to throw you into the hell he created as long as you give your life to him and worship him. Sounds like a pretty open and closed case to me. What if I were to do this kind of thing to people? How terrible of a person would I be? Jesus don't get a pass on this just because you worship him. My suggestion to you, is to unsay that prayer  and stop worshiping this tyrant. The sooner you realize he is not real the better for all human kind.